To My Son: Your First Birthday

Monday, July 13, 2015

My sweet boy,

Here we are, the eve of your first birthday. It's hard to believe that enough time has passed that you are already turning one.  From the moment our eyes met, I don't know how I ever lived without you. You came into this world on your own terms, on a warm Tuesday evening.  I could never forget holding and snuggling you for hours, just minutes after you were born. You have changed so much this year, and I know it won't be long before you are running and chasing to keep up with this fast-paced world.

As much as you have changed, learning and growing, you have stayed the same. From the moment you were born, you have been content.  Content to just sit and watch the people around you.  I hope as you grow and continue to change throughout the years, that you will stay happy and fulfilled with the life that you lead.

I hope you love, fearlessly, and stay strong and true to who you are.  There is no one else on this Earth like you, Jax. You have a light and a sparkle that no one could ever dim. You are strong, little one, a fighter that has overcome so much in just one year.  May you carry that strength and resilience with you each year.

You are so loved, baby.  Your grandparents and aunts and uncles adore you. To me, Daddy, and Madelyn, you are the world. You make each day brighter, angel. I hope you know, my love for you is infinite.  Each morning that I wake up and see your sweet smile with that one dimple, every time I hear you say, "Mama," I fall more in love with you than before. I could never love you less. I would go to the ends of the Earth for you.

As I hear you softly breathing, and see your eyes fluttering as I type, I think you must be too good to be true.  You are everything and more.  I hope no matter where you go in life, whether you're 19, 42, or 75, that you will read these words and feel my soul. You breathe life into my soul. You will always be my baby boy.

Forever & always,



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