Reclaiming Mealtimes: Toddler & Family Edition

Wednesday, July 01, 2015
I have to be the first to admit, I'm not a good eater. I never have been.  I am a picky eater. And by picky, I mean that unless it's slathered in cheese or comes in the shape of a nugget, I probably won't eat it. Gasp. I know. I do enjoy most vegetables, with more than a healthy amount of cheese.

But I'm on the road to redemption. And I'm taking my husband and babies with me.

This is the start of reclaiming our meals. Armed with a few recipe books and a new-found baby food site that I'm obsessed with (you can find it here. Thank me later!) I am going to change our family's eating habits. Hopefully.

I just really want my babies to LOVE food. All types of food. I want my family as a whole to enjoy home-cooked meals, only occasionally eating out, instead of the opposite.

Reclaiming mealtimes... our journey begins! If you have any tips or encouragement, send it my way! And if your family is anything like mine and you want to join us on this journey, let me know! I'll be sharing our progress, recipes we're trying, and what is and isn't working along the way!



  1. I would love to encourage you on your journey. I have one very picky child. I would really like her to eat better and am working toward that end. She ate a banana on her PB sandwich yesterday. YAY!

    1. Thank you! We can encourage each other! Hey, adding those bananas is definitely an accomplishment! I understand picky toddlers! My daughter has been on a "I only want to eat bean and cheese burritos all day" and by bean and cheese burritos, she really means she's only going to pick out all of the cheese, bit by bit, while I silently pray that she's getting some bit of beans stuck to the cheese. She did a mandarin orange with her cheesy burrito yesterday, though! Win!


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