Currently Reading

Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Let me just put it out there. I've always been a little bookworm.  There is literally not much that makes me happier than snuggling up on the couch with a cozy blanket and a good book. Normally, I'm really into Young Adult fiction (Harry Potter, anyone?), but lately, I've found myself reaching for topical non-fiction books as well (usually to try to figure out how to get my kiddos to do what I'm wanting!)  So for this month, I've got quite the stack!

The Honest Life by Jessica Alba

First off, I just love her! She's a hardworking mama, trying to carve out a better world for her babies to live in.  Now, let's be honest.. I'm not the most eco-friendly, all-natural girl.  But I am interested in trying to use safer products on and around my babies. We are currently slowly transitioning to more natural home products and personal products.

This book offers a ton of Jessica's research into harmful chemicals (and why they're so yucky!) as well as alternatives.  She also offers recommendations for products she has found that meet her standards, but are also super effective. And she has makeup recommendations (good makeup without tons of toxins is hard to find, so I love that she takes out some of the guesswork!) Favorite part so far: She keeps it real. She lets you know that she's not 100% organic, 100% of the time.  But it's the effort that counts and that's what all mamas are trying to do, make the best choices they can for their babies.

French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon

Did you see my recent post? As part of our journey to reclaim mealtimes, we are trying to feed ourselves better! This doesn't come without resistance.. we do have a 2 year old, you know. I love reading about different cultures and how they do things differently.  This book discusses how the French see food as a culture. They raise their babies to appreciate quality food and they do this by following some unspoken rules. I'm only about halfway done, but I can see how some of these methods could improve mealtimes at our house! My favorite: dress up the table (tablecloth, place mats, and silverware) and sit down to eat as a family.  Make it an event that everyone, especially the kids, look forward to.

The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith

We are currently in the process of selling our house and buying a newer home.  So the Pinterest-ing has begun! Making our home into a haven for our family is one of my biggest goals.  I want it to be a snugly, inviting place for our family to come home to each day.

This book has tons of tips from how to just get started, to finding the beauty what you have.  Her motto is "It doesn't have to be perfect, to be beautiful" and she is so encouraging.  I am taking notes and can't wait to get moved into our new home to to get started!

You can also read tons more fabulous tips from Myquillyn Smith over at her blog!

The Selection by Kiera Cass

I just picked this up from the bookstore this week.  It's supposed to be a romantic story that takes place in a futuristic society with a strict caste system.  I haven't read any of Kiera Cass' books, so I'm anxious to get started on this one!

Let me know what you're currently reading, I'm always looking to add to my growing library!


1 comment:

  1. I liked French Kids Eat Everything. I don't understand why so many people give in to kids demanding special meals or snacks all the time.


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